📰 Medium-Feed 👀

A simple & small medium-utility to get article objects for any Medium user, topic, or tag.
Additionally, medium-feed allows for both synchronous & asynchronous usage, as well as a CORS proxy for local development.

Minified size: 2KB
Dependencies: 0

CDN (latest):


(Still not in 1.0 release - 🐞 reports & 💬 feedback appreciated!)
Jump straight to the demo ➡


Initialize a feed:

var mediumFeed = new MediumFeed();
mediumFeed.useProxy = true; //Optionally enable a CORS proxy for local development

var mediumFeed = new MediumFeed({useProxy: true}); //Enables a CORS proxy for localhost development via options object

Get articles:

mediumFeed.getUserFeed("caden"); //Pass username of the feed you want
mediumFeed.getTopicFeed("technology"); //Pass topic (see: https://medium.com/topics)
mediumFeed.getTagFeed("reactjs"); //Pass a specific tag


function alertCount(articles){alert(articles.length)} // function to print # of articles returned
mediumFeed.getUserFeed("caden", alertCount); //Pass a callback as second param


The MediumFeed functions return arrays of "MediumArticle" objects which contain the following (if available):
class MediumArticle {
  title //String
  link //String
  creator //String
  pubDate //Date
  content //String
  categories //Array of Strings
  img // Article image

Demo & Final Notes

Please note: medium-feed makes no assumptions on your styling and therefore only returns what the Medium api gives us. This gives you unlimited freedom to how you display or integrate articles from any Medium source. However... Medium does return some articles with styling. You can attempt to override their styles using the following css attributes but there is no guarantee that these will be stable or will not change in the future.

/* the containing div for medium-feed-snippet & medium-feed-link */
/* the image (often feature image) */
/* the snippet text of the article */
/* a link to continue reading on Medium */

Some final notes: getUserFeed() returns more 'content' (potentially the full article) than topics/tags, and returns HTML without the Medium css mentioned above.
I recommend truncating the returned content if you just want a 'snippet', and applying your own HTML-element based css as needed.

Below is the topic feed for 'technology' rendered with simple styling.